Sponsorship Levels
$100,000 Black Crowned Crane
Gala seating for 20 in prime location on November 21, 2024
20 tickets to Patron Party
Guided behind-the-scenes tour of Naples Zoo & lunch with CEO Jack Mulvena
Recognition as major supporter at event
$50,000 Regal Lion’s Mane
Gala seating for 10 in prime location
10 tickets to Patron Party
Guided behind-the-scenes tour of Naples Zoo & lunch with CEO Jack Mulvena
Recognition as major supporter at event

$25,000 Majestic Porcupine Crest
Gala seating for 10 in prime location
10 tickets to Patron Party
Guided behind-the-scenes tour of Naples Zoo and lunch with CEO Jack Mulvena
Recognition as a major supporter at event
$15,000 Cotton Top Tamarin’s Tiara
Gala seating for 10
Guided behind-the-scenes tour of Naples Zoo
4 tickets to Patron Party
Recognition at event
$10,000 Grand Giraffe Occicones
Gala seating for 10
Guided behind-the-scenes tour of Naples Zoo
2 tickets to Patron Party
Recognition at event